A safe space today
Towards a future tomorrow

About JTAP
With mentorship, support, and year-round programming, JTAP provides a true safe space for our girls to develop positive lifestyle choices in a warm, non-judgemental setting, empowering them to become healthy young women and well-adjusted members of the Jewish community.
What JTAP Offers
Carefully selected mentors provide girls with love and a safe space through close lifelong relationships, modeling healthy life skills and a positive Jewish identity.
The House
Supportive independent living for young women, and a dedicated location for programming and drop-in open hours as a haven for girls to hang out and be themselves.
Trips, Shabbatons, & Summer Programming
JTAP organizes safe, fun-filled experiences for girls that encourage creative self-expression and the opportunity for connections between the teens and mentors.
Holidays & Shabbat
For holidays and Shabbat, JTAP provides a relaxed, non-judgmental environment that allows girls to celebrate together and appreciate the beauty of Judaism in a positive light.
Educational Opportunities
Education builds our girls up and empowers them towards advancement in the form of a GED program and a variety of workshops that focus on specific issues that teens face.
Support Services
Acting as a liaison, JTAP provides case management to create a support network with those closest to each teen. JTAP’s therapy program matches girls with therapists best suited to help them, and subsidizes therapy for those who need it.
Rabbi Menachem Goldberger
Kehillas Tiferes Yisroel
Devorah's Story
- Part I
When I was just ten, I was “asked to leave” my school. Coming from a dysfunctional home, this wasn’t the first time I experienced hardship. Being kicked out of school was just another reminder to me that I wasn’t welcome in the community. By the time I was in middle school, I distrusted anyone who called themselves frum. I was looking for any escape from my pain – boys, drugs, alcohol, you name it. JTAP isn’t scared of those kinds of girls. The mentors took me in and reminded me how good I was, even while I was doing “bad” things, and their homes eventually became my escape.
- Part II
With JTAP, I saw that beautiful healthy homes do exist. But JTAP isn’t about making girls frum or being their therapists. They developed connections in a fun, chill way by meeting us where we were and showing us unconditional love. It was the trips, the shabbatons, the shabbos meals, and just hanging out. My mentor helped me realize that I did go through a lot. Eventually, she encouraged me to go to therapy and helped me find the right fit.
- Part III
Now, baruch Hashem, I’m worlds away from where I was as a lost teen. I’m married, a teacher in a local Bais Yaakov, and I mentor girls who are where I was at their age. JTAP showed me that I have a place in the community just as I am, a balanced young woman who is continually working on myself, no matter my background. They modeled for me what a healthy frum person looks like, and they gave me the love, support and tools to bring me to becoming one myself.
When I was just ten, I was “asked to leave” my school. Coming from a dysfunctional home, this wasn’t the first time I experienced hardship. Being kicked out of school was just another reminder to me that I wasn’t welcome in the community. By the time I was in middle school, I distrusted anyone who called themselves frum. I was looking for any escape from my pain – boys, drugs, alcohol, you name it. JTAP isn’t scared of those kinds of girls. The mentors took me in and reminded me how good I was, even while I was doing “bad” things, and their homes eventually became my escape.
With JTAP, I saw that beautiful healthy homes do exist. But JTAP isn’t about making girls frum or being their therapists. They developed connections in a fun, chill way by meeting us where we were and showing us unconditional love. It was the trips, the shabbatons, the shabbos meals, and just hanging out. My mentor helped me realize that I did go through a lot. Eventually, she encouraged me to go to therapy and helped me find the right fit.
Now, baruch Hashem, I’m worlds away from where I was as a lost teen. I’m married, a teacher in a local Bais Yaakov, and I mentor girls who are where I was at their age. JTAP showed me that I have a place in the community just as I am, a balanced young woman who is continually working on myself, no matter my background. They modeled for me what a healthy frum person looks like, and they gave me the love, support and tools to bring me to becoming one myself.